6岁病女拄杖走6百里募捐只为助 “ 与我一样的人 ” (视频/图)


“ 我的努力是为了你。” 这是英国的一位6岁女孩用行动对生命的解读。她患有罕见的疾病,就在她即将失去行走能力的时候,这位小小的勇士拄着双拐一步一步的完成了长达600里的马拉松,募捐善款只为帮助跟她一样的人。

这位名叫Carmela Chillery-Watson的6岁女孩向世人证明,即使患上这种罕见的运动肌肉失调症,也无法阻止她获得任何成就。

It's now £12500 and moving fast. Well done Carmela for completing your walk. A well earned rest for our very own Wonder Woman Carmela @ChilleryWatson and her super duper Wonder Woman mum Lucy. Keep giving please https://t.co/4UtC3jOKWu @MDUK_News @GalGadot @LillyAspell https://t.co/FDZt0P3VfL

— Stephen Mooney (@MDUK_Stephen) September 30, 2020

卡梅拉(Carmela)患有一种罕见的肌肉萎缩状况,在出生没多久就被判定患有 “ 核纤层蛋白相关先天性肌失养症 ”(LMNA-related CMD),这种疾病会导致呼吸功能不全、头部或躯干功能缺损、躯干肌肉无力、心律不整等症状,也因为疾病关系,她的腿部肌肉越来越无力以及虚弱,其行走能力不断下降,她现在已经无法行走超过5分钟。

And that’s a wrap! Carmela has completed her heroic 300km in 30 days #WonderWomanWalk. A fantastic £12k has been raised with the help of @GalGadot and all your donations. Thanks to @rhubarbchairs & Batman for making the finale one that Carmela won't forget! @ChilleryWatson https://t.co/SLsbuWqHNF

— MuscularDystrophyUK (@MDUK_News) September 30, 2020

尽管如此,卡梅拉仍然带着拐杖和她的小狗,决定参加 “ 马拉松挑战 ”,在30天内跨度300公里。她这样做是为了为一家名为 “ 英国肌肉萎缩症 ” 的组织筹集资金,总计达6,000英镑。

And that’s a wrap! Carmela has completed her heroic 300km in 30 days #WonderWomanWalk. A fantastic £12k has been raised with the help of @GalGadot and all your donations. Thanks to @rhubarbchairs & Batman for making the finale one that Carmela won't forget! @ChilleryWatson https://t.co/SLsbuWqHNF

— MuscularDystrophyUK (@MDUK_News) September 30, 2020

Twitter网页以她的名字开始,记录了她步行的每一天。她打扮成 “ 神奇女侠 ” 的模样来鼓励自己不断前行,这恰好也是她最喜欢的超级英雄。而真正的神力女超人盖儿・加朵得知此事后,也承诺捐款3442英镑,希望为肌肉萎缩症患者尽一份心力,同时她也说:“ 真的很想见见这位小小女超人!”

My real wonder girl! Wow this video blew my mind. You’re a true hero. So inspiring and strong. I hope one day we get to meet each other. Until then I’m sending you lots of love and a big big hug!!! https://t.co/6K13LZI18y

— Gal Gadot (@GalGadot) September 9, 2020

卡梅拉的努力帮助她筹集到了14602英镑。她说:“ 谢谢大家帮助我走了这么长的路,希望能用这笔钱来帮助更多跟我一样的人!”